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Hi! My name is Markus Schepers.
Do you want to know more? Please feel free to contact me!
For a list of my publications, please check out my Google scholar profile. For preprints and pdfs, you can search me on arxiv. I am also writing a blog where I explore a diverse range of topics, with a mathematical mindset. Quick overview of my research areas and interests:
Why am I so excited to do research? First of all, because I love learning new things and because I love sharing insights and discoveries with other people. I am very excited about mathematics, which is a mindset, an art and a science, and a great tool to understand the world. Key strengths of mathematics are to define terms right at the start and in a precise way and to proceed very carefully when drawing new conclusions. As Stefan Banach put it: Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit. Let's use this spirit to solve the biggest problems today!